Web Based Learning: A Boon or Bane of the Education System
The education system has a massive responsibility on its shoulders to cope up with our busy pace. There has to be a feasible educational option and this is where web based learning (which is a component of e-learning) gets functional. In this advanced type of learning, the content is normally delivered through internet and is automatically updated. This educational option can either be self-paced or instructor-led. It includes media in various forms like audio, video, images, text, animations and more recently streaming 2D or 3D videos.
The growing technology has imparted great contribution to the education system through web based learning. The growing minds of children inculcate in developing their skills, knowledge and perceive their world by using the interactivity of this new media.
The idea of web based learning is that education reaches all irrespective of the location, time or capacity issues. Today, students can make wonderful projects, working professionals can take up higher studies without leaving their jobs and challenged children can learn without attending a traditional classroom.
Different ways:
However-learning has eclipsed classroom learning in multitudinous ways. It allows anyone to study anything from anywhere. No coercions are applicable. Its major advantage is that the students can follow their own learning pace in consensus with the time and ability they possess rather than running a race like in traditional classrooms. The electronic forum helps the students to interact with their teachers on one-one basis which is an aberrant scenario in traditional teaching methods. The division of material in different modules enables the students to work in their own pace.
The most appreciable part of web based learning is that it does not bind its pupils with a curriculum. It gives immense freedom to learn not just what he needed to but everything related to it. An inquisitive mind knows no confines and with this immensely growing method of learning, it can attain a treasure of knowledge with no time or location constraints.
A major advantage of web based learning over traditional learning is its cost-effectiveness. While the latter is dependent upon the financial capacity of the parents the former is way aloof of it without the compromise in quality.
In the nut-shell, web based learning, however technologically advanced and superior cannot replace the traditional method of learning. While it is valuable for many students who have restraints remains invaluable for students who meet all the criteria required by traditional teaching. Every educational option whether traditional or modern has its own circumspections. What is needed for the benefit of the society is a perfect amalgamation of both which would eliminate the demerits and flourish the merits of the education system.