Zone valves are usually installed at the point of use in a heating and cooling system. They come in different sizes, flow rates, and power ratings. Zone valves are designed to turn off when the temperature of the common piping reaches the set temperature. They are also designed with different flow rates for hot water and cold water, depending on the application. Zone Valves are used in commercial and residential heating and cooling applications.

What are the benefits of zone value?

This is useful in regulating the temperature in different zones of a building. Zone valves are installed in ductwork between the air handler, which is a box with the fan, heating or cooling coils, and an outside wall or floor register. When a zone valve is turned down, it decreases the amount of airflow that moves through the ductwork in that zone. When the ductwork is reducing the temperature in a zone, less airflow is needed to maintain the desired temperature. If a zone valve is turned up, more air needs to be moved through the ductwork in that zone to lower the temperature. The point of all of this is to reduce the amount of energy needed to heat or cool your building.

globe valves

What to consider while finding zone value

Here are some tips on finding the right zone valve application for your project. You will need to first determine the best locations for each zone. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Zone valves can be installed in the basement or laundry room, or in the office or bathroom.
  • It’s important to have the right number of valves for each zone. Two are needed for a sink, toilet, or shower. Four to five valves are needed for a kitchen, or three are needed for a laundry area. You’ll need one valve per air conditioning unit, too.
  • When putting a valve in the laundry room, put it in an out-of-the-way place.
  • An access panel should be placed by the valves so a technician can easily access them.
  • You may want to install the valves on the side of the wall or in a recessed area of the floor.

Applications for zone valves in residential and commercial construction have been growing as a part of people’s awareness of the energy they use. A zone valve system is an energy-efficient way to regulate the temperature in certain areas of your home or building. So you must install it in your home to get the benefits.